Traci Horgen
About the Artist
Traci Horgen has exhibited her work internationally with solo exhibitions at the Scuola Internazionale di Grafica Venezia, Italy and Chashama 266 in New York. Group exhibitions include READ TO ME: a reference to words at the Jane St. Art Center; Sister City Prints: an intercontinental collaboration in Australia; Bronx Calling, Artist in the Marketplace Biennial at the Bronx Museum of Art; Drawing Project at HallSpace, Boston, MA; New Prints 2015/Summer at the International Print Center New York. Her awards include a full residency fellowship at the Scuola Internazionale di Grafica Venezia, participation in the Bronx Museum’s Artist in the Marketplace program, artist residencies at Emmanuel College, Boston and Kala Institute of Art in Berkeley, CA. Traci holds an MFA in Studio Art from University of California, Davis and a BFA from Hartford Art School at University of Hartford. A firm believer in the vital importance of sustaining the work of artists and artistic communities, Traci has worked for notable arts-related nonprofits in New York, Maine, Italy, Colorado and California.

Traci Horgen, After Constable, 2022, gouache, acrylic, turmeric on paper, 30″ x 22″

Traci Horgen, After Constable, 2022, gouache, graphite on tea-dyed paper, 15 ” x 22 1/2″

Traci Horgen, After Constable, 2022, gouache on avocado pit-dyed paper, 30″ x 22″

Traci Horgen, Spoke, 2017-2018, erasure poem form office correspondence on typing paper, acrylic, 11″ x 8 1/2″

Traci Horgen, To Receive, 2016-2018, erasure poem form office correspondence on onion-skin typing paper, acrylic, gouache, watercolor, 11″ x 8 1/2″

Traci Horgen, Ship Ate Your Time, 2017-2018, erasure poem form office correspondence on typing paper, acrylic, 11″ x 8 1/2″
Click on the Exhibition to learn more
Gallery Hours
• During opening receptions 4-7pm
Regular Gallery Hours
Thursday 12-5
Friday 12-5
Saturday 12-5
Sunday 12-5
& Showing by Appointments
Closed Holidays