June 7 – JULY 1, 2019
Irregular Verbs

About the Exhibition
Colin Chase is a sculptor who uses a variety of materials and devices. Ideas, forms, and textures are synergistically juxtaposed and nestled in incongruent combinations that often challenge formal spatial logic, as well as quick intellectual responses. His work has been included in one-person and group exhibitions in several galleries including the University of the Arts, Philadelphia; Antenna Gallery in New Orleans; Smack Mellon Gallery, Jamaica Arts Center, Socrates Sculpture Park, The Studio Museum in Harlem, and the Neuberger Museum of Art, all in New York. He is a former resident of the Institute for Contemporary Art, PS1 Museum, and Longwood Studios. He received public commissions for the Queens Hospital Center and the Malcolm X Memorial.

About the Artist

Colin Chase is an artist living and working in NYC and Ulster County. He earned an AAS in Textile Design FIT in 1979, a BFA from The Cooper Union School of Art in 1982, and an MFA from the University of Michigan School of the Artsin 1986. Colin Chase was a Professor at The City College of New York CUNY.
Gallery Hours
• During Opening Receptions 4-6pm
Regular Gallery Hours
Thursday 12-5
Friday 12-5
Saturday 12-5
Sunday 12-5
& Showing by Appointments
Closed Holidays
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